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Cyberday launched: Frameworks, Teams-integration and much more

Cyberday is a management systems for organisation's cyber security and data protection issues. We've always helped our Finnish customers to create the required documentation and reports, but now we've wanted to go a few steps further and closer to the everyday activity - e.g. to ensure the cyber security awareness of the staff and execution of key security-related tasks. We also wanted to bring the cyber security content and tasks to the same place where your people are already - inside Microsoft Teams.

The whole new Cyberday

Work starts by choosing the relevant security frameworks for your organisation. Content is divided into three main elements - tasks, guidelines and documentation.

Frameworks guide and prioritize your cyber work

Different organisations have totally different goals for their security. Some want to just take care of the security essentials, so they can promise some level of security for customers. Others want to pursue competitive advantage through e.g. ISO27001 certification. For some it's industry-specific legislation that's highlighted.

Frameworks help target your efforts to the most importan requirements inside Cyberday. All content reacts to the selection of the framework, so you will see only relevant tasks, guidelines and documentation / reports.

Dashboard will give you an overall summary of how well you're currently complying with the requirements of each framework.

Tasks for key security people

When you've chosen a framework, you will see tasks highlighted under dashboard's different security modules. These are those actions, which will help you raise the level of security and compliance.

Cyberday helps you understand the needed tasks and to demonstrate that you've executed those. You can choose the owner and update the status to match reality. You can also add evidence of the task's execution, which may include: 

  • A process description
  • Guidelines connected to the task
  • Documentation connected to the task

Different tasks show different evidence types as pending.

Guidelines for employees

When you've chosen a framework, you will see different guidelines highlighted under dashboard's different security modules. These are instructions, which either a single unit or the whole staff should now and obey to ensure security.

When the guidelines has been connected with a selected unit or all employees, our Teams bot goes to work. Bot trains the employees by chatting with them about the guidelines and also asking for acceptance - that you really acts as the guideline says.

If an employee can't follow some guidelines, he needs to select a reason for this (e.g. tools don't support or other priorities misaligned), so that the admins can think about changing the guidelines or try to remove other limitations.

Teams integration

Cyberdays works best inside Microsoft Teams, where user management is streamlined and the bot works to ensure cyber awareness.

Cyberday inside MS Teams

Download the Cyberday app from Teams app store. The app is also possible to distribute for all employees using "app setup policies".

Cyberday's Teams app is extensive. All the features work inside Teams and users don't need separate user accounts, they just confirm their identity using Microsoft365-credentials.

Ohjekirja ja tehtäväkirja ovat tulossa Digiturvamalliin pian

Teams app includes separate tabs for separate use cases:

  • Activity - Personal chatting with the bot is done here
  • Organisation dashboard - This is where admins control organisation's cyber security content
  • Guidebook - This is a personal view for each employee including their cyber security guidelines (great e.g. for onboarding)
  • Taskbook (coming soon) - This is a personal view for each team member, where they see all their cyber security tasks / documentation items

Everyday training and guidelines through the bot

Teams apps use chats to discuss with the user. Our bot activates users to accept and teach about the guidelines assigned for them.

Acvtivity with the bot brings also points for the user. Bot serves three different types of information currently:

  • Cyber security stories - why it is important to follow the given guidelines
  • Guideline acceptance - click "accept" to confirm you're following the guideline
  • Skill tests- short questionnaires about the recent cyber security themes

Join a webinar for more!

If you'd like to hear more, participate on a webinar on Thursday 28.5.2020 at 15:00-15:45. Sign up >>

You can always also start a free 14-day trial or book a meeting with our team, if you'd like to discuss more.


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