Netflix warned to step up after dormant credentials were hijacked by hackers
NETFLIX cordcutter-cutters are demanding answers after it emerged that some former users' accounts were being reactivated by criminals. An investigation by Auntie Beeb's You and Yours programme found that if someone finds a dormant Netflix account and is able to get into it, the provided bank details from the subscription are still listed, meaning that all the hacker has to do is start watching, whilst the original customer pays. Plus, of course, if the criminal then changes the password, then that's it, the account is locked out for the legitimate account holder. In order to give leavers an easy way of rejoining the service, accounts that are deactivated have all their details, including bank account info, stored for ten months from the date of leaving, unless the customer specifically asks Netflix to delete them sooner. For its part, Netflix has made a number of appropriate purring noises and advises anyone who notices unusual or unauthorised use of their account, or erroneous charges, to contact customer service immediately.
Password Attacks